Roadside Memorials

A bunch of flowers on the spot where someone lost their life on the road is the most common roadside memorial, seen in countries throughout the world.

portugal-flowers-on-a-tree portugal-a-roadside-cross portugal-flowers-by-the-roadside

But many other kinds of roadside memorials can also be seen…
….”They’re appearing in greater numbers along our major roads and highways – crosses, flowers, trinkets, messages, spontaneous shrines in honour of someone who has died in a road crash at that spot. Simple or elaborate, makeshift or permanent, they are the public markers of private trauma and grief, and turn public land into private sacred space……”

More:     about-roadside-memorials


On roadside memorials:

Roadside memorials on American Highways
Roadside memorials in Ireland
Roadside memorials in Australia


On Roadside crosses:

Ausstellung „Straßenkreuze – Unorte des Sterbens“


On ghost bikes:
Ghost bike memorial

bike---light-memorial camera-remember-me-sign crash-site-think-sign flowers-as-a-roadside-memorial