


We are very happy to feature your World Day events on our website and are providing two submission forms for this.

1. Event Submission Form (for events that have already taken place or are upcoming)
2. Event Submission Continuous Form (for sending additional material in relation to this/these event(s) in the same year)

Please share with all visitors to this website any art related to the World Day of Remembrance, whether produced by you or others, such as stories, paintings, music, sculpture, etc. using the Art Submission Form.

Additionally, to mark the 20th year of “Global Remembrance”, we want to compile a Global Anthology of Songs and Poems related to the World Day. We will do this during the coming year, with the aim of launching this anthology on World Day 2016.
Please submit any entries for the 20th year Global Anthology via the 20th year Global Anthology Submissions Link.

If you have any problems with the forms or the links please Contact us.